Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011


Chrysomya bezziana is classified within the family Calliphoridae. The adults have dark metallic green bodies with abdominal segments with narrow bands along the posterior margins (Figure 1.1 A). The legs are black or partially brown and the face is orange-yellow. This morphology is quite similar to that of the secondary myiasis species, Chrysomya megacephala, but the body size of C. bezziana is relatively smaller than that of C. megacephala (DuPonte and Larish, 2003). In general, C. bezziana adults are 10 mm long with a 4.1 mm head width. There is no macroscopic characteristic to easily distinguish the fly by eye, so a microscope is needed to for identification (Sigit, 1978; Spradbery, 1991). The eyes of males are much closer together than those of females (Figure 1.1 B1; B2) (Spradbery, 1991). A microscope is needed for identification.
There are three larval stages, first (L1); second (L2) and third (L3) larval instar. Larvae have 12 segments: 1 head segment, 3 thoracic segments and 8 abdominal segments covered by broad encircling bands of spinules. In general, the body of the larva is of a typical muscoid shape that gradually tapers anteriorly. L1 often moves unnoticed because of its tiny size, around 1.65-3 mm in length. The L2 is quite similar to L3 but are smaller and shorter: 3.5-5.5 mm vs. up to 18 mm in length, and 0.5-0.75 mm vs. 1.1-3.6 mm in diameter, respectively. The anterior spiracle of L3 larvae is clear, and palmate in shape due to 4-5 papillae arranged in a single row. They are located at the dorso-posterior margin on each side of the prothorax. The L3 is pale pink in colour. The colour and the length become darker and shorter as the larvae pupate; the puparium (pupal case) surface is the hardened and darkened cuticle of the L3 larva (Spradbery, 1991; Sukontason et al., 2006).
Sukontason et al. (2006) showed that C. bezziana have some features that can be used to morphologically distinguish them from other blow fly species (Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya rufifacies, Chrysomya nigripes and Lucilia cuprina). Larvae of C. bezziana have a unique broad base and sharply pointed recurved spines on intersegmental spines bands between the pro- and mesothorax, an incomplete posterior spiracular peritreme, four to six papillae on the anterior spiracles, and strong and robust mouth hooks, which could explain their ability to penetrate deeply into live tissues. Those characters are diagnostic features of C. bezziana.

Figure 1.1 A. Morphology of adult C. bezziana; B. The head of C. bezziana; (B1) male, note that eyes are close together, (B2) female, note clear separation (pictures were produced using Leisca mycrosystems suite V3)

Unlike the larvae, pupae do not depend on the host for nutrition but are dependent on environmental factors for their development, such as humidity, temperature, and climate. Pupae are static (Spradbery et al., 1991). Based on scanning electron microscopy images, the caudal end of the posterior spiracular discs has three characteristic spiracular slits with peripheral posterior spiracular hairs and basal compressed buttons (Sukontason et al., 2006).  It was also revealed that the opening of each slit measured ca. 2 mm in width and some were closed with a membrane-like structure underneath. Sukarsih et al. (2000a) and Wardhana et al. (2004b) reported that normal pupal weight, when larvae were reared in laboratory conditions, was 39.7 mg on average, and the normal rate of emergence adults from one colony (27.5 mg) was 91.5-96.0 % (around 625 - 660 emerging flies).

Life Cylce
The life cycle of C. bezziana comprises 4 stages: egg, larva, pupae and adult. The entire larval stage from L1 to L3 at 36oC needs 5-6 days, the pupal stage lasts 7-8 days, emerging adults produce eggs when aged 6-7 day old, and eggs hatch in less than one day (18-24 hours at 25oC and 10 hours at 37oC)  (Spradbery, 1991; Spradbery, 2002). At ambient temperature, the lifetime of C. bezziana can reach 24 days (Wardhana et al., 2003b) and some authors reported that C. bezziana is able to survive for 40 days at 28oC (Spradbery, 2002), or even up to 51 days (Nielsen, 2003) (Figure 1.2).
Females become sexually mature and receptive to mating within the first few days after hatching. Females normally mate only once, but a male can inseminate several females during its lifetime. Females are able to lay several egg masses during their lifetime, although it is rare to find females in the field laying more than two masses (Spradbery, 1991).
Figure 1.2  Life cycle of C. bezziana
Gravid females are attracted to open wounds of domestic and wild animals and also humans. They lay their eggs in masses of up to 250 (on average 180 eggs) exclusively on the dry edges on the upper side of wounds; a more secure substrate than the moist lower edges. According to Spradbery (1979), oviposition by C. bezziana in the field occurs mainly in the late afternoon and continues until dusk and the eggs are cemented tightly together like a shingled roof. The egg mass is characteristically white and compact compared to secondary Chrysomya species (C. megacephala, C. rufifacies, C. albiceps and C. varipes), which lay yellowish eggs in loose masses which can be readily brushed off the host’s body (Spradbery, 1991).
The eggs will hatch in 12-24 hours at ambient temperature after deposition, or in 10 hours at 37oC. The hatched L1 move forward to penetrate into the wound. They begin feeding superficially on the wound liquid, but fully penetrate the wound and develop into L2 within 24-48 hours. Larval development may take 5 – 8 days, but the majority of larvae evacuate the wound after 7 days of feeding. Wound departure occurs mainly during darkness with a peak between midnight and dawn, to protect them from ultraviolet light (Spradbery, 1991). Under laboratory conditions, it was demonstrated that the majority of larvae leaving the artificial media after 6 days of feeding are female whereas there is higher proportion of males on day 8 (Wardhana et al., 2003b). The phenomenon of females of C. bezziana emerging faster than males has been observed in other laboratory studies (Mahon and Leopold, 2002; Wardhana et al., 2003b).
After the larvae have vacated the wound, and fallen to the ground, they burrow 2-3 cm into soil and pupariate within 24 hours. Pupariation is the formation of a hard sclerotised pupal case from the larval cuticle by the tanning processes (Spradbery, 1991). Within the pupal period, the insect changes into an adult fly, which then emerges after 7 days at 28oC but this may be considerably prolonged if the weather is cool (Spradbery, 1991; Siddig et al., 2005).
The majority of flies emerge just before dawn with little or no emergence during daylight hours when sunlight and diurnal predators could cause serious losses. Up to now, knowledge of the behaviour of the male screwworm fly is very lacking, probably because they are very reclusive and occur at a low population density compared to non-parasitic blow flies. Based on a study in America, researchers suggest that males form mating aggregations on bushes and trees and fly towards any small passing object. If it should be a female screwworm fly, the male catches the female and they fly to nearby vegetation where mating occurs (Spradbery, 1991).

Chrysomya bezziana attacks healthy tissues of all warm-blooded animals and humans. Unlike other Chrysomya spp., that live in carrion or as scavengers, C. bezziana larvae can only survive and develop in live animal or human tissues (Spradbery, 2002; Neilsen, 2003).
Geographical distribution
The ability of C. bezziana adults to fly long distances (100 km) enables the fly to spread over wide areas in the absence of any barriers (Spradbery, 1994). Sutherst et al. (1989) and Spradbery (1991) reported that C. bezziana is found throughout much of tropical and subtropical Africa, the Indian subcontinent and South-East Asia from southern China in the north to New Guinea in the south (Figure 1.3). Traumatic myiasis caused by C. bezziana has been reported in the Middle East region such as Bahrain, Qatar, Baghdad, Saudi Arabia, Fujairah and Muscat, including Yemen where myiasis has been reported in an outbreak situation since late 2007 with populations peaking in 2008 (Rajapaksa and Spradbery, 1989; Sutherst et al., 1989; Al-Izzi, 2002). In Iraq, C. bezziana has attacked livestock in almost two thirds of the country, (IAEA, 1998). Compared to C. bezziana, C. megacephala has a larger distribution, throughout the Oriental, Australian and Oceanian regions, and the species has been introduced into Africa, South America and Central America (Kurahashi and Magpayo, 2000; Tomberlin et al., 2001) and, most recently, in Europe (Castro and Garcia, 2009) (Figure 1.4).

Even though C.  bezziana has never established in Australia, the habitat conditions over much of tropical and subtropical Australia are favourable for the fly, which is endemic in the neighbouring countries of Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea (Sutherst et al., 1989; Lee, 2002; Wardhaugh and Mahon, 2002). The fear of C. bezziana incursion has been justified by the fact that, in 1988, several adult OWS flies were trapped in an empty livestock vessel in Darwin harbour, which had just returned from delivering cattle to Brunei (Rajapaksa and Spradbery, 1989). Another observation conducted in April 1998 found nine live C. bezziana adults in an electrocution trap on a vessel, Lady Geraldin, after berthing in Darwin. These events caused renewed interest in the possibility that screwworm may be introduced in Australia via returning livestock vessels (Thomson, 1992).
Based on a climate matching model (CLIMEX analysis), Sutherst et al. (1989) deduced that C. bezziana is most successful in hot, wet conditions and that it is sensitive to prolonged cold or dryness. The parameter values reflect the highly favourable conditions in areas further north of the Transvaal and Zimbabwe (Norval et al., 1988). This hypothesis is supported by Al-Izzi et al. (1999) who states that C. bezziana cannot be found in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan due to extreme weather conditions that are unfavourable for insect survival and development. The winter in Lebanon is very cold with a minimum temperature of <0oC during November to February in the Albiqa’a area, <10oC from November to April in the Ash-Shemal area, and <10oC January to February in Beirut.  In contrast, the temperature rapidly rises to >30oC from June to September in Ash-Sehmal, from April to October in Albiqa’a and from March to September in Beirut.

Factors affecting C. bezziana distribution in Indonesia

There are several factors affecting why myiasis cases still remain a major problem in Indonesia e.g. the country is an archipelago with a tropical climate and many rainforests. In terms of C. bezziana distribution, Ready et al. (2009) investigated a genetic diversity within the species within a small geographic area (Sulawesi and East Sumba), indicating that they could be further genetic diversity throughout the rest of the archipelago.
Climate and weather in Indonesia are characterised by two seasons, dry and wet. In addition, Indonesia has many rainforests and large plantation regions. Generally, the monsoon-type of climate of Indonesia causes a change in season approximately every six months; even though its pattern has been now somewhat disrupted as part of global warming. The dry season is from June to September and the rainy season from December to March. Intervening periods are transition months in which the weather will be mixed. Average temperature is 23-26oC with the average relative humidity between 70-90% RH (DPII, 2003). This atmosphere is very suitable for C. bezziana to develop, thus myiasis has become established as an endemic disease (Partoutomo, 2000, Sutherst et al., 1989, Wardhana, 2006).


1Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London, U.K. 2Department of Parasitology, Research Institute for Veterinary Science (Balai Penelitian Veteriner), Bogor, Indonesia and 3Department of Nuclear Agriculture Research, Agriculture, Medical and Industrial Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Karaj, Iran.

Fly larvae were collected from 181 cases of traumatic myiasis in livestock in 10 regions of four countries in the Middle East Gulf region: Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The predominant fly species responsible for cases was the Old World screw- worm (OWS) fly, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae). In cases from Iran and Oman, which included non-OWS fly species, OWS fly was found solely responsible for 67.6% of cases and jointly with other fly species for a further 12.7% of cases. The major hosts were sheep and goats, together comprising 84.6% of the total, which reflects their predominance among the livestock of these Gulf countries. The major site of wounding on sheep and goats was the tail (40.3%), followed by female genitalia (14.0%). The 3terminal 715 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were sequenced for 178 larvae of OWS. Five haplotypes were identified: three had been recorded previously in the region (two were common throughout and one was unique to Oman), and two were newly identified, one from southern Iraq and the other from Saudi Arabia, both in regions sampled for the first time. The haplotypes varied from one another only at one or two nucleotide sites, equivalent to an intraspecific difference of 0.14–0.28% across the entire 715-bp fragment. There was a single statisti- cally significant association between host species and haplotype in Saudi Arabia, a first such record for OWS fly. The small degree of genetic diversity between geographical populations of OWS fly within the Gulf region suggests that a single Gulf colony could be used to implement the sterile insect technique within an integrated control programme.


P. D. READY1, J. M. TESTA1, A. H. WARDHANA1,2, M. AL-IZZI3*, M. KHALAJ4 and M. J. R. HALL1
1) Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, London, U.K., 2) Department of Parasitology, Indonesian Research Centre for Veterinary Science (Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner), Bogor, Indonesia., 3) Entomology Department, Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq and 4) Veterinary Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehnran, Iran.

A previous study had identified an African and an Asian race of the Old World screwworm fly, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae), based on the 3'terminal 279 basepairs (bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The current study improved the phylogeographic resolution of cytochrome b for this species by characterizing more of the gene (the 3'terminal 715 bp) and by sampling more geographical populations, including Oman, Iran, Hong Kong and the Indonesian Islands of Sulawesi and East Sumba. Strong support was found for recognizing an African race, but not for a monophyletic Asian race. The cladistic and genealogical relationships among the Asian populations were complex. There was sufficient ge- netic homogeneity throughout separate regions (mainland Asia and each Indonesian island) to suggest that there are no reproductive barriers within each region that might necessitate the production of more than one strain for control by the sterile insect technique (SIT). Primers were designed for the amplification by polymerase chain reaction of two nuclear loci, the highly conserved elongation factor-1alpha gene and the less conserved white gene, and the preliminary results indicated that these genes showed the same pattern of small-scale regional variation as cytochrome b. The cytochrome b haplotypes are useful markers for identifying the geographical origins of any emerging infestations of the species: the absence of Indonesian and African haplotypes in the Middle East demonstrates that the large-scale transport of livestock is not spreading Old World screwworm.

Gambar 1. Chrysomya bezziana, penyebab myiasis pada manusia dan hewan

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011


Pengetahuan tentang morfologi lalat Chrysomya bezziana tidak hanya berperan dalam menentukan efektifitas program monitor dan surveilen, tetapi juga berpotensi untuk membedakan geografis populasi lalat tersebut sehingga mampu digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi daerah asal lalat apabila ada outbreak.

Studi morfologi lalat C. bezziana pernah dilaporkan oleh D. H. Colles dan disimpulkan ada tiga ras populasi C. bezziana didunia, yaitu ras Asia Tenggara, Arab dan Afrika. Namun, hasil ini berbeda dengan laporan M. Hall et al. (2001) yang menyatakan bahwa lalat C. bezziana dari Papua New Guinea (PNG) berbeda dengan lalat dari Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah dan Afrika Selatan berdasarkan studi morfologi pada kepala, badan dan sayap termasuk penambahan dua karakter lainnya.
Hasil ini didukung oleh laporan studi Dr. A. H. Wardhana (2011) yang membuktikan bahwa secara morfologi populasi lalat di Afrika dan PNG berbeda dengan populasi Asia tenggara dan Timur Tengah.

Sepuluh karakter yang digunakan untuk studi tersebut dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini :

Berikut adalah gambar karakter morfologi C. bezziana yang diuji :

Pada gambar dibawah ini  terlihat bahwa masing-masing populasi C. bezziana yang berasal dari geografis yang berbeda mempunyai warna tubuh (body colour) yang berbeda-berbeda, termasuk ketebalan dan kejelasan "sabuk" yang ada pada tiap-tiap segmen abdomen.

Gambar dibawah ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan morfologi lower squame. Tampak ada yang berwarna putih susu dengan bulu-bulu putih atau bulu-bulu hitam.


Untuk berbagai jenis uji biologis di laboratorium diperlukan kultur lalat Chrysomya bezziana menggunakan metode artifisial. Berbeda dengan lalat bangkai, C. megacephala, yang dapat hidup dengan mudah, C. bezziana memerlukan media dan perlakuan khusus. Komposisi bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat media larva C. bezziana dapat di lihat pada Tabel 1.

Darah sapi segar
450 g
Susu skim       
45 g
Tepung kuning telur
45 g
Water lock®
18 g
Formalin 10%
1 ml
645 ml

Setidaknya dibutuhkan dua ruang untuk mengkultur lalat C. bezziana pada skala laboratorium, yaitu ruang larva dan lalat dewasa. Ruang larva didisain dengan suhu 30-32oC, kelembaban 75-80% dan lampu berintensitas cahaya rendah, sedangkan ruang lalat dewasa memerlukan suhu ruangan (25-27oC), kelembaban 75-80% dan redup (seluruh kaca jendala ditutup dengan lembaran film sehingga berintensitas cahaya 40%). Seluruh ruangan dilengkapi dengan exhause fan.

Prosedure lengkap tentang pemeliharaan lalat C. bezziana di laboratorium dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011


Catherine Hale1, Martin Hall2, April Wardhana2, Zoe Adams2 and Paul Ready 
Royal Veterinary College1, London and Natural History Museum2, London
Traumatic myiasis can be a problem in a great range of mammal species. Adult flies are attracted to wounds, excrement or other sites of soiling on the host and lay eggs or first instar larvae. The larvae that hatch (or those laid already hatched, e.g., Sarcophagidae) begin feeding on the dead or living tissues of the host. Myiasis is a condition likely to be under-reported in wild species of small mammals, such as hedgehogs, due to their habits and limited contact with humans. However in domestic species, particularly rabbits, myiasis is commonly reported and can be an indicator of poor welfare, neglect or even cruelty. Forensic entomology techniques can be used to determine the period of neglect and, if necessary, the elapsed time since death. In order to apply correct larval growth data to each case and, therefore, estimate the length of time the maggots have been present on the host, accurate identification of the fly species is crucial. Different species have slightly different growth profiles and, if the identification is uncertain, this could potentially be a problem for successful prosecution in an animal welfare or neglect case.

This study looks at the identification of agents of small mammal myiasis using molecular rather than morphological methods. Accurate identification of the immature stages of these agents by morphological methods is very difficult and past records of species responsible for small mammal myiasis based on such identifications could be unreliable. Results from an analysis of the cytochrome-b gene of mitochondrial DNA of larvae from a wide range of small mammal hosts have shown a greater diversity of fly species involved in traumatic myiasis than is reported in the published literature, where L. sericata is generally acknowledged to be the most common species. The ability to identify a specific species using molecular methods will enable correct growth data to be used in determining time periods for neglect in welfare cases and this knowledge will prove vital in the conviction of neglectful owners.

Poster ala CLICK AW ::

Poster ini telah berhasil memenangkan juara I dalam acara Seminar Nasional Peternakan dan Veteriner  2011


Penelitian tentang penggunaan daun sirih untuk pengobatan telah lama dilakukan. Uji in vitro membuktikan bahwa minyak atsiri daun sirih hijau efektif untuk membunuh larva C. bezziana yang dikenal sebagai agen primer penyebab myiasis pada ternak, hewan liar dan hewan kesayangan serta manusia di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dari minyak atsiri daun sirih serta pengaruhnya terhadap gambaran darah domba yang diinfestasi dengan larva C. bezziana. Empat luka insisi dibuat di bagian punggung domba (dua disebelah kanan dan dua disebelah kiri) dan setiap luka diinfestasi 25 larva. Empat perlakuan yang diuji adalah domba tanpa pengobatan (kontrol negatif/KN), domba yang diobati dengan asuntol 2% (kontrol positif/KP), dengan krim minyak atsiri 2% (MA 2%), dan dengan krim minyak atsiri 4% (MA 4%). Variabel yang diamati adalah perubahan gejala klinis, jumlah dan berat larva serta pupa yang dikoleksi dari luka myiasis termasuk persentase jumlah eosionopil dan neutropil. 

(A) Domba yang telah dicukur pada bagian punggung dan diberi 2 ring di bagian kanan dan kiri, (B) Domba yang telah diinfestasi dengan larva C. bezziana – punggung ditutup dengan kotak plastik dan sponge basah untuk menjaga kelembaban, (C) Larva C. bezziana yang berkembang didalam luka myiasis  (D) Perbedaan bobot pupa pasca dikoleksi dari luka myiasis domba.

Hasil pengamatan gejala klinis menunjukkan bahwa domba yang menderita myiasis mengalami peningkatan suhu tubuh akibat reaksi radang yang ditandai dengan peningkatan jumlah eosinofil dan neutrofil. Domba MA 2% dan MA 4% tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata pada masing-masing variable yang diamati. Pengobatan myiasis dengan minyak atsiri daun sirih mampu menghambat pertumbuhan larva secara nyata akibat dari efek cerna dan efek kontak bahan aktif yang terkandung didalam minyak tersebut.